Dad Rocks!

Dad Rocks! (Difficulty: Moderate, Parental help needed)

Here's a cute little idea that will require some parental help. Makes a good gift for Dad on Father's day or any day.

Part One
1. (Kids)-Pick out a rock
2. (Kids)-Paint it with Tempera Paint.
3. (Kids)-For the Face-Add Googly Eyes, and Yarn Hair with Elmer's Glue, Paint the lips.

Part Two
4. (parents) Cut out a T-Shirt and Pants out of Cardbord.
5. (Kids)-Have your Child paint it with Tempera Paint.
6. (parents!!) with a hot glue gun (ps I tried other glues, they weren't working)- Glue the T-Shirt and Pants together, Glue Pipe Cleaner Arms and Legs onto the back, Glue the rock head onto the body.
7. In Marker add "Dad Rocks!" on the T-shirt.

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